Sunday, August 31, 2014

Farmers Markets; Bill Stanek Singing Food Songs; Children's Songs.

For Saturday, August 30, 2014.

Farmers Markets; Bill Stanek Singing Food Songs; Children's Songs.

The Memphis Farmers Market has many vendors selling their farm produce. There are also vendors of  breads of many kinds, homemade candles and soap, many pretty flowers, herb seasonings and tea blends, handmade metal decorative items; the list is very long, and it seems that more and more people are using Farmers Markets to shop.

Many of the Farmers Markets also invite singers and songwriters, and musicians, to come to entertain the shoppers while they look over the items they wish to buy. I went with my son at a very early hour as he had two Farmers Markets at which to perform.

After his show, we suddenly 'bumped into' a young dear friend, and we talked for at least an hour to catch up on news. How wonderful it was to see her again. Then on we went to Cooper-Young Farmers Market, hoping the rain would wait until the afternoon.

Bill began to sing again, at eleven o'clock and sang some 'foodie' songs: "My Lover Loves Liver", "Vicky the Vicious Vegan", a Vegetable Alphabet Song, and several more. He has written many songs about various subjects.

There were children passing by with their parents, so he would sing a children's song for them. He sang "Picking Blueberries" that is loved by all kids and many grown-ups.

Another much-loved number is "The Spider Song", and almost everyone loves that one. There were some more children around, and they really had some happy moments listening to the words, also some scary moments when the spider is getting closer and closer to Mommy!

Three happy Hispanic children liked his singing so much, they joined in on the chorus of a song about school, I think it is "School Day Blues"or something similar. Their joining in was quite delightful.

The rain did come down from time to time, and as the closing time was approaching, the vendors began to dismantle their tents and take equipment to their vehicles. It does take a lot of time to set up, and much time, too, to break it all down. And then, the rain! It came down in imaginary buckets!

It's so pleasant to go to a Farmers Market. Have you tried it recently? Besides having so much produce to choose, it is quite interesting to see the people and some of their families and pets. I enjoy seeing people and I adore children. I do get a kick out of watching the doggies when they encounter certain of their species. The dogs are always leashed, so if one decides to mess with another, the owners pull them back; the negative feelings don't happen very often. A few of the vendors also have a bowl of water on the ground so that thirsty pets may have a drink! How thoughtful...

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

At the Stove All Day! A Short Power Nap?

Saturday, August 16, 2014.

At the Stove All Day! A Short  Power Nap?

My family wonders how I am if I don't email every day or so, and to let them know that I am all right, I usually send emails of all kinds. This blog article is one of those family emails (this one I wrote on August 13, after shopping at the Mennonite Farms on the visit to my sister in Kentucky).

" Good Evening, my dears,

After buying so much produce at the Mennonite Farms and Variety Store, I am trying to prepare some of them for freezing and cooking for myself. The bags of popcorn kernels, I put in smaller containers, for the pantry. The large oval watermelon was a great challenge to me, still is, the remains are in the fridge. 

I cut into it yesterday morning (I think it was yesterday), and I've been eating it a few times each day. I put some cut-up pieces in a container in the fridge, and tested another small amount in the freezer! Yes, it is all right to freeze pieces of it, I am glad to say. There are two containers of watermelon in the freezer now, for future use.  

Probably four pounds of those very small sweet peppers has been washed today, de-stemmed and the seeds taken out, and I cut up two-thirds of the little peppers into small strips. I put much of that in the freezer, and used some today in making a Pinto Bean Stew. You should taste this stew! Very delicious, and hearty, and wholesome. I soaked the pinto beans overnight and simmered them around noontime. After that, I sauteed onions, a tomato, and the pepper strips, several seasonings, then added the soft pinto beans and cooked it for about an hour. It is something I 'invented', 'concocted', 'designed', and then called it my own recipe. Lately I've been on a binge of concocting my own recipes when I cook my meals. I might have to make a little cookbook ~ wouldn't that be a good idea?

I became so tired doing all of this until three o'clock, that I decided I must lie down to rest. (I had taken an hour to relax, while still puttering in the kitchen, to sit down now and then in front of the TV at noon-ish for two cooking programs.) I did lie down about 3:15, for a short little Power Nap. Again, this idea surprised me so much as I woke up at 4:40! Then I did up the dishes, had my dinner, and I QUIT for the evening! But I must say that it was a very successful day in the kitchen at the stove.

I've been thinking of you all day long and wish I could go to see you 'just down the street'!   

Love, Mom. " 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

Friday, August 15, 2014

Shopping at the Mennonite Farms on A Visit with My Sister.

Published on August 15, 2014. 

I was so excited to be able to go to the Mennonite Farms, when I went to visit my sister in Kentucky. She took me to a few Farms where she buys produce. We went to four farms! It took a lot of time, naturally, and I got tired - not sadly tired, but gladly tired!! The fourth place we went to was the Mennonite Variety Store that has some vitamins and salves, and other medicinal things on the shelves. They also have dried fruits, nuts, and several different kinds of flours. I'm 'Spilling All the Beans!' because I just love to buy produce at the Mennonite Farms. 

We had many bags and boxes of purchased things in the farm produce places, Regina helping me to decide, and carrying them to the check-out counter and then to the SUV. Bags, too, from the Variety Store, like dried fruits, nuts, flours, and vitamins. 

I still haven't added up the check amounts yet, I don't want to 'get sick' until I get over the excitement of working at my place with produce here in the kitchen. I worked most of the day with these things. There are still items I probably will get done tomorrow and the day after.

I even bought a large oval watermelon! HEAVY! Son Bill had to carry it in from the car to the  counter in my kitchen, because it wouldn't have been a good idea for me to carry it! The last thing I did before I stopped 'puttering' in the kitchen, was that I cut the watermelon on one end, and have about a quart or more of watermelon pieces in a baggie in the fridge. Delicious, is what I say! I might eat some more later on this evening. I love that watermelon, and I am glad I bought a large one!

I purchased a half dozen corn-on-the-cob, microwaved four of them in the current fashion, and cut off all the kernels. I put the corn in four sandwich baggies, and they are sitting in the freezer, probably saying to each other, "Jeepers, I'm cold!"       Hahahahaha!

There are two red onions, several white onions, green beans, yellow squash, one zucchini, about a pound of small red beets, three banana peppers, corn on the cob, three large peaches, three tomatoes, watermelon, a cabbage, a couple of pounds of sweet peppers the size of golf balls. These peppers will be cut up and cleaned out, and diced, then put in baggies in the freezer.

From the Variety Store, I bought two bags of popcorn kernels (pale yellow, and the other light orange), buckwheat flour (because I am gluten sensitive), GF Bob's Red Mill baking flour, dried fruits: cranberries, raisins, dates, prunes; nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds; Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D3, lutein, and magnesium. Four pints of different jams, one quart of raw honey, and one pint of sorghum honey. Oh, almost forgot! A bag of Adzuki beans, and a bag of black beans. I hope I'm not forgetting anything. Regina will tell me if I am, perhaps. 
Then Regina wanted to go to Kenny's Cheese Farm to buy a few kinds of cheese. I bought Horseradish Cheddar, and haven't opened the sealed cheese yet. I'm looking forward to it, because I love horseradish. Horseradish can be strong, so we have to eat a bit at a time, but it is quite beneficial and nutritious. 

After that we went to a Greek restaurant, Anna's. We had a wonderful, delicious, long lunch. I'm not sure of the exact name of the Greek Restaurant. What a lovely day with my dear sister... ( My visit lasted two nights and one and a half days. I love being with her. )

After we got home to her place, I thought I'd take a short Power Nap on 'my' bed, but do you know what happened? I slept for one hour and fifteen minutes! That means that I MUST have been very tired!! I was very surprised that I slept so long! 

It was a most wonderful trip to the Mennonite Farms! Their gardens are so large and looking so good! It kind of makes me wish I could live on a farm again. My parents moved to a farm when I was nine and a half years old, and I lived there until I was married. I loved the farm! 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...