Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Church Picnic; Double-Dip Ice Cream Cone.

My mother’s younger sister Mary came to visit us in the coal mining town, Larksville / Plymouth for a few days. She is only three years older than I am. She lived with her parents on a farm near Nicholson. It was summertime, and she was able to come and stay with us. The year must have been about 1939 - 40.

There was a Church Picnic that weekend, and she and I walked the two or three blocks to see it. The festival was held across the street from the church. I do not remember the name of the church, but it was on Chestnut Street. The various stands were set up on a little incline in an open lot with some trees surrounding it.

We walked around and looked at all the different stands they had. I don’t remember if anyone else was with us. We walked over to the ice cream stand to buy some ice cream.  She ordered a double-dip ice cream cone - oh, how luscious it looked. I ordered something else, probably a single-dip cone because I was smaller and younger.

We were so happy with our ice cream, and were walking away from the stand, licking at our dips of refreshing ice cream. When all of a sudden, as Aunt Mary was licking the ice cream, the pressure of her tongue pushed the ice cream off the cone and onto the ground!  It hadn’t been placed onto the cone very securely. We hadn’t gone very far away from the stand, and the lady there said that Aunt Mary could have another dip.

So Aunt Mary and I went back to the stand for the free dip of ice cream for Aunt Mary. That was a kind thing that the lady did. I felt so happy for my dear Aunt Mary!

Oh, just thinking about ice cream makes me want a banana split!

I’ll see you at the Corner Post…

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