Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dancing In the Kitchen with Only Doggies as An Audience.

November 24, 2012.

As I went doggie-sitting for a few days, my computer went with me so I could keep in touch with my family. I also like to listen sometimes to music on the computer. Two of the doggies are Labs, and the other is a shepherd of sorts. They live much of the time inside the house, especially if it's too cold outdoors, or rainy, or too hot in summer. They love the owners and the owners love those doggies. I love them too, and now and then I doggie-sit so they know me quite well. We usually stay in the kitchen along with the computer, and I prepare my meals and snacks, and my presence in the same room keeps the doggies content.

I enjoyed one of my favorite programs this morning from southern California, on my computer. The doggies were in the house, because it was so cold outdoors during most of the morning. Lucky the shepherd and the Lab Princess were sleeping as usual under the desk in the kitchen, and Lily Lab was lying on the little carpet in front of the stove, all tightly curled up as snug as a bug in a rug. I sat at the table in front of my computer, listening to the melodies that the DJ was playing on the program, while I was reading and answering emails.

Suddenly one of my very favorite tunes was announced, and I got up and began to dance to it -- "CAB DRIVER" -- in the kitchen. I wasn't wildly doing the dancing, just trying to keep my balance and keeping in step with the music. I just LOVE that song, and always have. After about fifteen seconds, Lily lifted her head and looked at me. I looked back at her while I was dancing, and another few seconds passed. She lowered her ears, and they were closer to her face than usual, and she had a strange look in her eyes. I kept smiling at her, she kept looking at me, I kept dancing the steps, and sort of using my hands also, waving them once in a while. She kept looking, her ears were kept lowered and snug to her face, and her eyes were sort of getting a small look of something like embarrassment or some different look. Her paw was sort of lifted a couple of inches, and she lowered it, and it seemed that somehow she wanted to get up and join in the dance, but she didn't get up, just moved her paw again, and she kept looking at me with that same look in her eyes. She didn't move her ears at all during my dancing, they were in that same lowered position. Finally the tune ended, and I stopped dancing and sat down.

I wish I could have known what she was thinking all the while I was dancing. Her eyes never left me as I danced, and I kept looking at her eyes, returning her gaze. She could have been thinking,  "What in the world is this woman doing?" or "Gosh, I wish I could dance like that!" or "This woman is ku-ku and I think we'd better call the vet!"

          I'll see you at the Corner Post...

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