Sunday, January 20, 2013

It Was A Lovely Afternoon!

January 20, 2013.

My family brought me back to my house from Church, in the early afternoon, dropped me off, and I began to do some relaxing things. Like listening on my computer to the European music programs on WPIT, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, not far from Fayette City, where my Dad was born in 1904. I like the shows they have, of Slovenian, Ukrainian, Carpatho-Rusyn, Slovak, and German music during Sunday afternoons. 

I was also checking my emails, nope, nobody wrote to me. I was eating a cookie, and looking over some letters and birthday cards from earlier years. Then the phone rang. It was Anne Marie. She and Clay have gone to Wyoming for the weekend. Clay was outdoors, and indoors, and then puttering outdoors, while Anne Marie and I had a good chat. A long chat, to be truthful. We talked about so many things, because we hadn't chatted for quite some time. 

Then after we hung up, I decided to go for a walk, it seemed rather nice outdoors. I walked all the way to Rasco, and turned around and came back home. All the while, there were FedEx planes flying out on their regular routes and times. There must have been at least twenty or more, and I wished I had taken my camera with me. 

When I got back to the house, I took my camera and waited for the next plane to come, as they were quite regular with a few or several minutes between departures. I tried to take some photo shots, not many were good, and I did take one shot of an airplane and the half moon. This was at 4:35 p.m. Farther up the street it would have been better to get a good shot of the airplanes. Next time I'll do that, if I have it on my agenda.

My walk was fifteen minutes long, and then I stayed outdoors in the front yard for a full half hour! I sat on the concrete bench and faced the east, where the moon was, and enjoyed the crisp air, the gorgeously azure sky, and the many birds that kept flying around between me and the moon. There are several very tall deciduous trees out behind a few houses, and the birds would alight at the tops of the branches and twigs. The autumn leaves have mostly fallen from the trees, so it was easy to see the birds on their perches. 

I saw one bright red cardinal, away up in the top of the tallest tree. There were many other kinds of birds, perhaps about four to seven birds alighting in each tree, sitting for a while, then going somewhere else. There were always about fifteen birds in the tops of the trees, that I could see between the houses and over rooftops. Those birds kept coming and going, waiting, I believe, for the sun to 'go down' behind the homes on the other side of the street.  

It was such a delightful time, bringing contentment to my heart. Then I came in and am thinking of what to have later for dinner. 

I'll see you at the Corner Post...

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