Friday, June 7, 2013

Been Posting Family Stories; Ice Cream Van; Marching Bands.

June 7, 2013.

Hello, you sweet dears! 

I've been posting some notes that my Mom had written on various pieces of paper. Little anecdotes that she remembered from her childhood, and her youth, and some characteristics of the older members of the families. It is tedious work and a little slow. I have been at it for a few hours, and I am quitting for the day. 

She was very fortunate to obtain much information from the priest in our ancestral village in Europe, too, and I've been browsing through them. We have a large extended family, since she was one of nine children. 

My Dad's family also came from the same country. 
I looked out the front door to see what kind of weather is happening, and a robin made a low flight from across the street, swooping over the street knowing just where he wanted to land, and flew about three feet above the front lawn. In the blink of an eye, as he was coming in for a landing, I just KNEW that he would sit on that little concrete bench. I figured he would poo on it too, and he DID sit on it, but no...  ahem...  poo. Imagine that, he did not. But sometimes they DO poo on my bench, because there are telltale signs of it!  

I have been so intrigued by the birds recently, as I watch them flying back and forth across  the street, as they go hunting for food to feed their babies. 
Yesterday when I was going outdoors to wait for Bill and Jen picking me up for Vespers, supper, and a class by Father John (love his teaching, and his sermons), I saw with such glee, the large ice cream van stopped directly across the street where there were six kids waiting. It was so exciting to see it all. These children had shorts on, and no shoes, and  they'd been playing with the hose and water in the afternoon. I had watched them for a while, earlier. They really had so much fun!

All it took for me to get excited was a glance under the van, and I quickly got my camera out. The whole length of the van between the wheels is long enough to have room for those kids to line up on the other side of the van, with their legs showing under the van. I counted fourteen legs! All I saw of those kids standing on the other side of the van was their bare legs! I had never seen such a whimsical sight, and by the time I could get my camera out and focused, there were only about six pairs of legs. I did take a shot or two of that. Then from up the street there was a little boy about five years old, walking down to the ice cream van, barefooted, hurrying gingerly, his mother a little way behind him, walking too. 

He got his ice cream cone, and headed back home; she was waiting for him about twenty feet up the street. How cute, how cute, it was! He was little, and could get his very own ice cream cone!

A few more children came from here and there, and the music kept tinkling over and over. What a joyful moment in my day! I'll bet the ice cream man was quite happy! Even the grown-up (looking after all those kids) had some ice cream. 
By the way, The Drummers are back! The percussion departments at schools really do well in preparation for the band concerts, as they practice diligently and often. It sounds quite loud when they pass through the alleyway in back of the house, and the sound comes flowing through the two cul de sacs on the sides of the houses to the street. When I hear it, I run to see them. Last year we attended some of the concerts in the area, and it was marvelous to hear such good band music. Congratulations to all those students and their teachers!

Oh, I'd better tell you that I do not RUN to see them, because I don't want to break my promise to my 'managers' that I will not hurry too fast for fear of breaking anything, even an eyelash. 

I've just had my early dinner, and will try to relax a long while in my rocking chair, watching something from an old video. 

Love and hugs to each and every one of you! 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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