Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Stop at the Doctor's; Elderberries and Apples; Ice Fishing.

October 30, 2014.

A Stop at the Doctor's; Elderberries and Apples; Ice Fishing.

Hello, dear people, may you have a wonderful weekend.

I had been in the hospital, and when I came home there was talk of an appointment to see my family doctor and he would see how I am doing. But for some reason he wasn't going to be in, this week, so the nurse said to come anyway this morning, and she went over my case quite a bit. Another nurse was going to go over it, too, so I had two little separate visits right then and there in the same room. The appointment was at 8 a.m., and I am so glad that my son was my chauffeur.                              

My son knows much more than I do, about all that the nurses talked about, because I listen closely but can't take notes while I'm listening. I hadn't eaten breakfast because I had an idea that she would take my blood test, and sure enough, she took two vials full. They want to see what's going on in my system. I also gave a urine sample.  

Since I had to wake up quite early this morning, I went to lie on the bed at noon, and had a power nap. Then this afternoon, about three o'clock, I had another short nap. It seems that I have been needing naps. The discovery of 'short power naps' really helps one to manage the whole day. 

I'm doing a load of my laundry at the moment, and just had a little meal of hamburg and vegetables. I can't have any bun with it, and am munching on a rice cake with elderberry jelly on half, the other half seemed to want hummus. I also had a teaspoon of peanut butter. I love that elderberry jelly! Did you know that elderberries are very nutritious? You can make jam and jelly, elderberry juice, and wine. When we would go to our grandparents' farm, we would admire all the elderberry blossoms as we went down the farm driveway. The bushes grew along the whole length of the driveway. Then when the berries were ripe, we would help to pick them. I've always loved the elderberry bushes, the blossoms, and the jam. Grandma would give us a piece of home made bread with jam on it as we were leaving for home ~ I always think of that. 
Back to the subject ~ with my problem of having not enough potassium ~ the nurse said that possibly I would be given a prescription to take potassium every day, but I'd have to wait until the blood test shows something. I have some papers telling about which food gives more potassium. This is quite surprising: raw apples and applesauce have low potassium, apple juice has moderate potassium, and dried, cooked apples have high potassium content. Now, I don't know if that was dried AND cooked apples, or dried apples and/or cooked apples. I have been cooking my apple pieces during the last couple of months, and I feel lucky doing that! They had seemed to satisfy me more than fresh pieces of apple.  

It's going to be 58˚cold this weekend, they say. I keep wondering who "they" is. They seem to give correct weather reports, then you find out that something other has been lingering around. I hope the winter will be a nice one. Now up in the north, like NY and PA and WI, they always  have nice winters that are cold, very cold, windy, very windy, and the residents LOVE to get their snowmobiles and ice-fishing poles out of storage. Can you imagine that lakes up there freeze so thick that vehicles, even trucks, can go out on the ice to the owners' fishing huts? They get out of their trucks, go into their small fishing huts and drill a little hole in the ice so they can put their saws in the hole and enlarge it just so. Then they hang onto their fishing poles and drink favorite beverages. They often take lunches with them, too. Some people fish alone, and some have small groups in those tiny fishing huts to do a little socializing and maybe some politicizing. 

Isn't it amazing that I can be talking of one subject, and in the blink of an eye I am completely on another tale, memory, idea, or thought? 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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