Thursday, February 27, 2014

Done with Two Appointments; Rain!

Thursday, February 27, 2014.

Only one more day of February, and then March marches in, to the beat of evening raindrops. More rain on Sunday. Beautiful spring has not arrived yet. You know what Punxsatawney Phil had to say on February 2.

My son took me to the heart doctor for my appointment at nine o'clock. The staff there are very pleasant and sociable, with a cheerful outlook. They do, indeed, make patients feel better immediately with their warm greetings. It is quite wonderful, to think of the moods of the patients coming in.

After the first couple of preliminaries, we waited about twenty-five minutes for the doctor to come in.

He was very down-to-earth, and spent quite a lot of time with us. He explained many things, and my son took notes, thank goodness. The doctor thinks that I am in good shape, and wants to see me in about six months. He changed my medication of triamterene (it has hydrochlorozide - a diuretic) to something else, the name begins with 'n'. I was very glad about what he said, and I feel quite good now. I was a bit nervous beforehand.

Oh, I also stopped my twenty-one-day monitor late last night, and got it all back together. FedEx will pick it up tomorrow and take it back to Telerhythmics in Collierville, Tennessee. It wasn't too much of a burden to wear it for twenty-one days, but sometimes it was a nuisance. The doctor "read" the whole record on his computer in the examining room. He really is a good doctor, not impatient; he is thorough, and I like his personality.

After that, my son took me to my appointment with the chiropractor Dr.Q. I came out of that episode as happy as a lark. He thinks my neck is really coming along well. I had a couple of whiplashes many years ago. I finally began treatments before winter. He also treated my right shoulder; I had hurt it in the early 2000s in Pennsylvania, by the way I lifted a bag of groceries to the porch. So it seems I'm a queen of happiness today!

We stopped at Office Depot to get some black ink for my computer and some legal-size hanging files for the used file cabinets I bought from someone he knows. I've been eager to get those hanging folders. Then he brought me home, and did a few things for me on the computer. I had to get a new hard drive, and my printer had run out of black ink. I'll soon begin making labels for the hanging files. Many things to file. One would think I have a business place here, but it is gathering the stories and history of our large family.

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Stormy, Rainy, Thundery, Cold!

MyFebruary 4, 2014.

Stormy, Rainy, Thundery, Cold!

WHOA! ( Excuse me, I'm just shouting at the rain to slow down!) 

A sudden loud thunder clap and rumbles this morning, really shocked me. A day or two ago, there was in the forecast, a thunderstorm for Tuesday (today), and here it is, I said to myself, nothing on the computer forecast today indicating thunderstorms. I thought of it for a few minutes, and began thinking of something else. All of a sudden, the loud clap of thunder and   rumbling came - just one bang sounded - and it all went away. The thunderstorm had been playing hide-and-seek with me. I didn't hear any more rumbles or loud thunder.

It's now just past two o'clock, and it's been raining for a couple of hours on and off, but mostly ON in the last hour or more. The front sidewalk is inundated with water up to the porch. This part of the sidewalk near the porch is a little higher than the rest, and I doubt that the water would come up onto the low porch. 

About fifteen minutes ago, it sounded like a cloudburst, and I looked out ~ oh, my, it was indeed pouring, down the public sidewalk along the street, on the driveway, on the front lawn, making many more large puddles. More thunder claps sounded, and a little rumbling. It's time for the rain to stop so that the present floodwater would drain away. It seems that this street is on a little incline. That's why the rainwater comes dashing down the public sidewalk, and off the driveway onto the lawn.  

My daughter-in-law said she was going to go to her daughter's school for the Band Concert tonight, and yesterday when she asked me to go too, I said yes. (I do love band concerts.) I emailed her later saying that I checked with the forecast and it wouldn't be a good evening to come all the way here for me, and bring me home, so I said I would not be disappointed if she wouldn't come to get me. But just a little while ago, she emailed me that the concert has been postponed to Monday, so I'm hoping Monday evening's weather will be just right.  

It is still raining quite hard, it is cold outdoors, and freezing rain and sleet will be visiting us in a few hours. Very strange weather, this is, and more snowstorms are coming through and going on to the eastern coast, again! 

It makes me wonder what kind of summer we are going to have. Did you ever hear of this country having no summer one year, long ago? The weather was strange, very cold, no warmth for 'summertime'. I had read about it some years ago, and it IS possible that there might not be any summer to speak of, one of these years. 

Well, some chores are waiting; back to work I go. Don't forget your galoshes!

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...