Sunday, March 25, 2012

Swimming Hole; Dumped Out of the Inner Tube.

When we lived on the farm in Springville, we kids sometimes went to the Teel Farm over a mile from our farm, on a dirt road. They had a swimming hole in their creek. I didn't know how to swim, but I went into the water with an inner tube so that I could be floating in the water. Everyone else was in the water, so I thought I could do that too.

This may have been during the first summer that we lived on that farm, and I was not quite ten years old. There were several of us there, a couple of the Teel boys, my brother Joe and I, and perhaps four or five  others.

I was floating along in my inner tube / liferaft, enjoying the camaraderie among all the kids. Suddenly I was dumped into the water. I am not sure who it was who tipped me over. All I know is that I was extremely scared, and I was under the surface of the water, trying to grasp legs so I could hold on to life. 

I knew I was in the water, I could see a lot of legs, and I was frantic, and suddenly... I was pulled out of the water.

I do not remember very much of what happened, or who pulled me to the surface, but I know I was saved from drowning by someone. I am truly forever grateful.

I have never wanted to learn to swim, as I am terrified of being in the water, although I like to be near water so I can admire it.

As an adult, probably when I was in my late thirties, or early forties, I went to an adult class at the local high school so I could learn to swim. I enjoyed being in the pool, but hung onto the sides of the pool for dear life.

Finally the young male swimming coach wanted me to try to swim. I was wearing my hair in a long braid about five inches down my back, and I begged him to hang onto my braid and I would paddle my way a bit. He graciously did so, and for the first and last time in my life, I swam three whole feet while he hung onto my braid. Three feet! I do proudly say that I swam three feet, but that might really be cheating...

I'll see you at the Corner Post...

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