Saturday, May 24, 2014

Roosters! ~ Crowing!

Saturday, May 24, 2014.

I sat down for a little while to rest, saw the TV weather report, and then I saw the same program I saw a couple of days ago. Two men were handling some roosters and hens in the first part of the program, as they were talking about the fowl.

After about ten minutes, they put the chickens and roosters back in their cages, in the little room where they were having this meeting. Then they got onto the talk of termites and how to get rid of them. 

After several minutes of the talking of the men, the ordinary, largest rooster did his crowing ~ a nice low-pitched sound that I remember so well from my childhood. A few seconds later, another rooster crowed! This time it was a quite different pitch, rather scratchy. I smiled to myself ~ I love hearing roosters! 

Then a couple of seconds later, a bantam rooster crowed his li'l heart out ~ a bit scratchy, very high pitched, and seemingly tiny. What a smile THAT  brought to my face! Then another crow sounded about seven seconds later ~ weird. These roosters that they were handling were all different. There were about five of them, none related to each other. They crowed individually, letting one neighbor have his say, and another, then the largest one crows on his turn again. At one point, one man looked at the other, smiling with a cute little quirk of his mouth, understanding that these roosters weren't going to stop crowing in turn.

So the men kept on talking about the termites, giving pictures of the waistline of the termite to differentiate from the waist-line of the ant family. Also, they informed us that the termites' antennae are straight, the ants' antennae are bent halfway to an angle.

I learned a lot with this program. I had such a marvelous time for about twenty minutes, smiling when I heard a rooster crow; then laughing every time the tiny Tim of a bantam had his turn, making his teeny-thin-sounding crow, and my big laugh involuntarily coming out of me again! 

What a time I had! And today I could hear them all over again in the repeat of the show! How lucky can I get? 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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