Thursday, July 31, 2014

Two Month Hiatus; A Few Interesting Items.

July 31, 2014.

June and July were extremely busy and there was very little time for me to write. I apologize for my hiatus.

"A few interesting items"? Hmmmm... we will see.

It began this morning, when I opened the inside garage door, to file a few things in the file cabinets. As I opened the door, just three feet in front of me, on its back, lay a cockroach, about an inch long. I took a tissue out of my pocket, folded it over and laid it on the 'pain-in-the-neck', stepped gingerly on it and then picked the whole thing up and took it out to the trash cart. I didn't even want it in my kitchen wastebasket. That one was No. 2 - the No. 1 was a smaller one, a half inch, that was on the door mat in the garage, on its back, a day or two ago. 

This has been happening now and then for the last one-and-a-half or two years with smaller ones. They don't seem to be too peppy, and they might be allergic to the spray that is used once in a while. The ones I see are not moving. But two different kinds? I wasn't happy about that.  

A couple of hours later, I opened the front door to take a piece of mail out to the mailbox (the door of the mailbox isn't connected again, as the fasteners don't seem to be long enough to keep the little door on). As I was going to step out onto the porch, there right in front of me on the doorstep, was the brother of the morning cockroach. Same position, so I bent down with another tissue and collected him and took him immediately to the trash cart, then went to put the mail in the box. 

I've been wondering if the sudden changes in temperature from hot to much cooler might have something to do with these pests. There are many kinds of these vermin, and the south is well-known for them. 
A little after noon, I was using the restroom, and as I got up, I tried to take some tissue off the holder -- this brand of TP is a bit too tough to tear -- and almost magically, the holder came off with a little bang, and I cannot put it back on. Maybe the little metal piece on the wall won't hold it anymore. Why were these things happening to me on this wonderful day? 
About an hour ago, I was feeling peckish and looked for a snack. I thought of the little bit of Feta cheese I had in the freezer. I took it out - it's a little box with a green top, Athenos brand. There was about one-sixth of the cheese left. I thought if I'd shake it a little, it would loosen up. So with one hand I picked it up and shook it very hard in the air, and suddenly I found out that the top can be opened only half-way! (That was a BIG surprise!) There were half-inch pieces and Feta crumbs all over the floor and even a few on the counter! Oh, well, I thought, and swept it up. 
Something tells me that I should get to bed right now (it's almost five o'clock) and sleep off this craziness. 
"It is difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys." ~  Anonymous.        
One last item: I found a note that my Mom had written many years ago. I was delighted, of course. Today I copied that onto Word Document "Recollections of Josephine...": 
" I, Josephine, remember that when I was pregnant with Anna Mae, I ate and longed for little green apples. I also vomited for the nine months, even in labor.
When I was pregnant with Jr. [Joseph, Jr.] I ate the corner of the newspaper.
When I was pregnant with Regina, Dad vomited for the nine months instead of me. "

Were these items interesting? 

You can tell me when I will see you at the Corner Post ...

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