Friday, August 15, 2014

Shopping at the Mennonite Farms on A Visit with My Sister.

Published on August 15, 2014. 

I was so excited to be able to go to the Mennonite Farms, when I went to visit my sister in Kentucky. She took me to a few Farms where she buys produce. We went to four farms! It took a lot of time, naturally, and I got tired - not sadly tired, but gladly tired!! The fourth place we went to was the Mennonite Variety Store that has some vitamins and salves, and other medicinal things on the shelves. They also have dried fruits, nuts, and several different kinds of flours. I'm 'Spilling All the Beans!' because I just love to buy produce at the Mennonite Farms. 

We had many bags and boxes of purchased things in the farm produce places, Regina helping me to decide, and carrying them to the check-out counter and then to the SUV. Bags, too, from the Variety Store, like dried fruits, nuts, flours, and vitamins. 

I still haven't added up the check amounts yet, I don't want to 'get sick' until I get over the excitement of working at my place with produce here in the kitchen. I worked most of the day with these things. There are still items I probably will get done tomorrow and the day after.

I even bought a large oval watermelon! HEAVY! Son Bill had to carry it in from the car to the  counter in my kitchen, because it wouldn't have been a good idea for me to carry it! The last thing I did before I stopped 'puttering' in the kitchen, was that I cut the watermelon on one end, and have about a quart or more of watermelon pieces in a baggie in the fridge. Delicious, is what I say! I might eat some more later on this evening. I love that watermelon, and I am glad I bought a large one!

I purchased a half dozen corn-on-the-cob, microwaved four of them in the current fashion, and cut off all the kernels. I put the corn in four sandwich baggies, and they are sitting in the freezer, probably saying to each other, "Jeepers, I'm cold!"       Hahahahaha!

There are two red onions, several white onions, green beans, yellow squash, one zucchini, about a pound of small red beets, three banana peppers, corn on the cob, three large peaches, three tomatoes, watermelon, a cabbage, a couple of pounds of sweet peppers the size of golf balls. These peppers will be cut up and cleaned out, and diced, then put in baggies in the freezer.

From the Variety Store, I bought two bags of popcorn kernels (pale yellow, and the other light orange), buckwheat flour (because I am gluten sensitive), GF Bob's Red Mill baking flour, dried fruits: cranberries, raisins, dates, prunes; nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds; Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D3, lutein, and magnesium. Four pints of different jams, one quart of raw honey, and one pint of sorghum honey. Oh, almost forgot! A bag of Adzuki beans, and a bag of black beans. I hope I'm not forgetting anything. Regina will tell me if I am, perhaps. 
Then Regina wanted to go to Kenny's Cheese Farm to buy a few kinds of cheese. I bought Horseradish Cheddar, and haven't opened the sealed cheese yet. I'm looking forward to it, because I love horseradish. Horseradish can be strong, so we have to eat a bit at a time, but it is quite beneficial and nutritious. 

After that we went to a Greek restaurant, Anna's. We had a wonderful, delicious, long lunch. I'm not sure of the exact name of the Greek Restaurant. What a lovely day with my dear sister... ( My visit lasted two nights and one and a half days. I love being with her. )

After we got home to her place, I thought I'd take a short Power Nap on 'my' bed, but do you know what happened? I slept for one hour and fifteen minutes! That means that I MUST have been very tired!! I was very surprised that I slept so long! 

It was a most wonderful trip to the Mennonite Farms! Their gardens are so large and looking so good! It kind of makes me wish I could live on a farm again. My parents moved to a farm when I was nine and a half years old, and I lived there until I was married. I loved the farm! 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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