Sunday, August 31, 2014

Farmers Markets; Bill Stanek Singing Food Songs; Children's Songs.

For Saturday, August 30, 2014.

Farmers Markets; Bill Stanek Singing Food Songs; Children's Songs.

The Memphis Farmers Market has many vendors selling their farm produce. There are also vendors of  breads of many kinds, homemade candles and soap, many pretty flowers, herb seasonings and tea blends, handmade metal decorative items; the list is very long, and it seems that more and more people are using Farmers Markets to shop.

Many of the Farmers Markets also invite singers and songwriters, and musicians, to come to entertain the shoppers while they look over the items they wish to buy. I went with my son at a very early hour as he had two Farmers Markets at which to perform.

After his show, we suddenly 'bumped into' a young dear friend, and we talked for at least an hour to catch up on news. How wonderful it was to see her again. Then on we went to Cooper-Young Farmers Market, hoping the rain would wait until the afternoon.

Bill began to sing again, at eleven o'clock and sang some 'foodie' songs: "My Lover Loves Liver", "Vicky the Vicious Vegan", a Vegetable Alphabet Song, and several more. He has written many songs about various subjects.

There were children passing by with their parents, so he would sing a children's song for them. He sang "Picking Blueberries" that is loved by all kids and many grown-ups.

Another much-loved number is "The Spider Song", and almost everyone loves that one. There were some more children around, and they really had some happy moments listening to the words, also some scary moments when the spider is getting closer and closer to Mommy!

Three happy Hispanic children liked his singing so much, they joined in on the chorus of a song about school, I think it is "School Day Blues"or something similar. Their joining in was quite delightful.

The rain did come down from time to time, and as the closing time was approaching, the vendors began to dismantle their tents and take equipment to their vehicles. It does take a lot of time to set up, and much time, too, to break it all down. And then, the rain! It came down in imaginary buckets!

It's so pleasant to go to a Farmers Market. Have you tried it recently? Besides having so much produce to choose, it is quite interesting to see the people and some of their families and pets. I enjoy seeing people and I adore children. I do get a kick out of watching the doggies when they encounter certain of their species. The dogs are always leashed, so if one decides to mess with another, the owners pull them back; the negative feelings don't happen very often. A few of the vendors also have a bowl of water on the ground so that thirsty pets may have a drink! How thoughtful...

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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