Sunday, October 2, 2011

A grass named after me; pulling weedy grass; another candy find.

In one of the boxes I found an informing book on important weeds, published in 1951. I browsed through it quite a while the other evening, and enjoyed it; very informing. But it is in black-and-white, no color to show what the shade of green is, nor the color of the flowers it produces, if any.

It was on the table when Bill and Tim came to visit last evening. Bill picked it up and browsed a bit. Suddenly he said, "There's a weed here named after you!" I looked, and sure enough, there it is, but I think they spelled it a bit wrong. Its Latin name is Agropyron repens, the synonym is Triticum repens. The weed also has many other English names, such as Couch-grass, Quitch-grass, Twitch-grass, Witch-grass (in parts of Vermont and adjacent regions). These names could be used to make an interesting poem...

It belongs to the Family Poaceae (Gramineae), Grass Family. Aren't you proud of me? I'm famous...
Late this afternoon, I went out to my Oval Garden to pull some of those horrendous Bermuda Grass roots, which are very very tough, and hard to pull out. The runners are so long, longer than two feet and usually break off underground. I took my new knee protector mat and it was much better than kneeling on the lawn. I worked at pulling those roots for about 20-23 minutes, a record. There are many more to pull, which will take another three or four sessions.

I didn't read at all last night, because I was posting, and I would like very much to spend some time with my current book this evening.

The people next door took a lot of their things out of their house to Olive Branch about twenty minutes from here, to their new home. Naturally, I wonder who will be moving in next door?

For my dinner early this evening, I made some gluten-free pancakes. And I ate them all! In one sitting! Sometimes a meal of pancakes is very comforting, don't you think?

I was looking through a medium-size box this afternoon, and found another stash of about ten pieces of wrapped candy. In the trash it goes! But I also found several quarters, and if I am really craving candy, I can get some! I think I was not as crazy about candy as I once was, that's why it was among other things in that box.

My grandchildren call me Grannamae.

I'll see you at the Corner Post...

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