Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One Strawberry; More of the Robins' Story.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014.

Good Morning, my beloved persons! 

It is cool this morning, a high of 65˚ is expected, plus some isolated sprinkles. The remaining horrid thunderstorms are slowly heading northeast, in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia at this moment, heading for South and North Carolinas. I am hoping that those storms will dissipate right now. Sometimes the storms go quickly by, and sometimes they linger so! 

A couple of days ago, I went out for the mail, and spied one lone strawberry under one of the three strawberry plants! It wasn't bright red, but I thought that before the birds would get it, I would. It was light red, and so delicious when I ate it in the house! There's nothing like home-grown produce!   

Today, few minutes ago, I went out to the mailbox to mail an envelope, and stopped at that lovely clump of very large clover leaves and large white clover blossoms. I picked a little bouquet and brought it in. So pretty, not even as large as the palm of my hand was the bouquet, but it provides a lift of my spirits. The clovers themselves are almost the size of quarters. 

On the way back to the door, I saw the robin coming back with something that looked like a  piece of bread the size of a half-dollar. They eat earthworms, I know, but bread? It went to the nest and let the birdies have some, when suddenly the robin saw me coming closer from the mailbox. I of course had my camera around my neck, already focused for a close-up, and I think I got the shot. I'll check it out later. As it saw me, it flew off the nest, and went several feet away, as I kept walking. It then landed on our porch roof, and I made a shot of it with the bread(?) still in its mouth. Then it flew off the roof, and accidentally dropped the bread in the higher grass. It was chirping loudly (at me, I suppose!) and I went onto the porch, took a shot at the nest birdies, and then a shot of the robin without the bread. 

It flew onto a little statue the neighbor has, and I took another shot. Immediately it glanced at the piece of bread among the blades of grass, and I went into the house. I peeked through the glass door and he was already on the ground, and I was quite excited, believe me, to get so many shots of his quick actions. The robin plucked it out of the grass and flew onto its nest to feed the very hungry teenage birdies. 

Another thing that makes me wonder quite a lot ~ this morning there were two sparrows of some kind, that chirped quickly and long when the robin flew in with some food (it happened as I peeked out a couple of times this morning, too) and flew back and forth from the low roof top to the crepe myrtle bushes. Could this be that they are excited about the robins' birdies getting ready to leave for college, or are they being annoyed that their own territory is being disturbed? Wish I knew why they do that chirping. 

Do I dare to take another peek? All right, I'll peek. The provider robin flies in with an earthworm hanging from its beak, lands on the low roof, begins to chirp at me ~ scolding is a better word, in its mind ~ so I step back into our house to my chores and wonder if that was bread earlier or not. 

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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