Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Nippy Out There! -- And dogs are such good creatures.

Good Morning, all of you good people: It's quite nippy outdoors, it's not going to be even 50 today. A brisk breeze, some heavy clouds, some parts of the azure sky can be seen. The birds are playing with the breezes. I love to see them up in the air, letting the breeze push them up, down, over there, then back over here, with the birds sometimes maneuvering the turns and curves.

There's nothing like taking a walk in the nip-your-nose weather, with your light gloves on and you wish you had worn the heavier ones, with a babushka on your head (babushka can be a Russian grandmother or a head scarf), and you walk a bit faster pace to shorten the time of being too cold. 

There were four doggies that I said good morning to, in my mind. In my mind only, because, excepting one, all were indoors, and barking their heads off behind the window pane or the door pane. They are all so cute, and so vigilant in their employment as guarding-the-home dogs. I waved at every one of them. And I said "Hello, Doggie!" twice, to the little brown shaggy terrier about five houses up on the other side of my street. He was the only one that was out this morning. 

Dogs have two kinds of employment: one is as a wonderful companion, and the other is being the 'alerter' (meaning letting people know that someone unknown is passing by). I wonder which business position pleases them the most. 

This idea of two jobs for these neighborhood dogs is all right, but we all know that dogs have many jobs that they enjoy: being the 'eyes' for the blind; and the 'nose' for finding packets of drugs, explosives, and victims of an earthquake;  and the 'comforter' for those in hospitals and nursing homes; and the 'pillow' for our little ones who just love to have a nap on some of these wonderful pillows; and a 'companion' for those who have lost theirs; and a 'fluffy toy' for growing children to cuddle up with.  

There are some cattle farmers and sheep farmers who want herders to gather in the cattle and  sheep to come home, or to keep them all in their own area for those animals who are just outdoors eating and resting. Wouldn't it be interesting to know of some of the other occupations of dogs? It would be such a good project to find out what all of YOU know about dogs and their employment!

Please do email me at < > if you have any knowledge of this subject.  I would really and truly enjoy learning from you. I think I would be surprised at all of these canine 'jobs'. 

I'll see you at the Corner Post...

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