Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Have News ~ not terribly important, though.

A small piece of news, not terribly important, but only to me. 

I went for a walk this morning at 7:30 a.m., much to my surprise! I had been noticing flab on my belly, and other places, and decided it has to leave me. I had lost weight with my daily walks last year, I think, but I stopped taking walks during the winter. I was getting too lazy, or too busy, or something. I was lacking in energy, too.

The walk this morning was 23 minutes long, because on the way back, I noticed that there weren't too many minutes used up. I then took the longer way home, on Richland, that 90-degree angled side street. It was simply great. I made a promise to myself that I have to walk almost every day from now on, until June First!  All together now, please yell "Yay! Hooray!"

I was working on some poetry yesterday afternoon, and this afternoon, also. It seems the muse has stopped by for the last couple of days, and I just cannot ignore her. When she is around, I notice that the words come out so much easier. Strange, but true. 

For the past few days I have needed to watch some of my old videos of TV programs I liked, years ago. I've been stressing out recently, and I needed something else to think about. Two evenings ago, I watched the history/documentary of the Polka King Frank Yankovic. He really was the Polka King, writing so many songs, and playing them in so many venues. He pleased millions of people over the years. He passed away some years ago.

I dearly love the polka, and like to listen to the Polka programs I can find on the internet. I also like to listen to my old audio tapes that I had taped many years ago in Pennsylvania, where I lived, and in Michigan when I went to stay with my Mom from time to time because of her illnesses. Polkas are cheerful, and uplifting to so many, including me. I also love East European music, as well as all of European music, and there is much of that on these audio tapes. That also helps me to get rid of stress.

I was going to take a power nap, but I suddenly remembered that I wanted to write about my lovely walk! Everyone knows that I need it to retain my balance, and I neglected to walk often, to my regret. So perhaps you all may just as well telepathically hint to me that it's time for a walk, will you? I know that I have pooh-poohed the idea so many times, but please do persevere with me. 

I did take my morning drink yesterday and this morning. It was suggested to me, and I think it is a very good idea. It has settled in with me to my satisfaction, and I would like to continue it. It's a teaspoon of ground psyllium husks in a half cup of water or almond milk, a teaspoon of chia seeds, and a teaspoon of ground flaxseed, stirred together in the half cup of liquid, and allowed to sit at least five minutes to gel. It goes down very well, and I am quite pleased. 

It seems that I feel better because of that special drink; I've been needing something like that for quite some time. I am grateful for the advice. 

The weather has been calm, but a hot 91 degrees. Just a few minutes ago, the weather forecast changed, to 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms this late afternoon. I do hope it will rain for about fifteen minutes, not a cloudburst, mind you, just a nice steady rain to freshen the area. There is a 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight, and Sunday night. 40% by Monday. We welcome the rain, but we want no damage or injuries! In other words, no storms!

There, that's better. I think I'll close here, and take my Power Nap: I love those naps, they're short and very sweet, and so refreshing. 

It feels so good to come back to my blog. I have missed writing it, and I apologize to those of  you who have looked forward to it. I had been so busy with several other priorities, and going through several boxes of papers: our children's school papers and drawings, many of my old papers to look over, shred, or put away. Not culling, through the years, leads to such a mountainous job now. 

I'll see you at the Corner Post...

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