Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday the 13th; My Walk; and Other Things.

Saturday, September 14, 2013.

Good morning, did you all get through Friday the 13th well and happy? Some people are always frightened and apprehensive when Friday the 13th comes around. 

It was a good day for me, I was working on the computer Album # 2, having fun putting information and a few comments under those precious photos. The ones showing this bridge, or that monument, aren't that precious, but they're in the album. Our Josephine shot a lot of photos, and had many pictures from other relatives. They're in these albums that are going to be available to my family and relatives. I am so grateful that my Mom Josephine shot so many photos during her lifetime. 

Yesterday I also made a tasty (in my opinion, of course) baked concoction of Lazy-Daisy Cabbage and Ground Beef. Of course, it can be a vegetarian or vegan dish if you wish. Just substitute a different protein. I remember during the past year or two, that I would make a vegetarian dish of stuffed cabbage leaves. The first one wasn't so great, but one of the next two was good. (Now, where did I put that recipe?) 

This morning I took a walk just after eight o'clock. I checked the air outside with my hand, and it was quite cool. The computer said it was 62˚ in the local area. So I put my babushka on to keep my hair from being blown-apart from the breeze, and my very handy sweat jacket. By the time I came back, I had built up enough heat from the exercise that made it warm enough for me. 

On a Saturday morning, it was very quiet, not much auto traffic, hardly any birds flitting hither and thither, no one outdoors or getting into their cars in the driveways. AND, there was such a lovely azure sky. The breeze wasn't brisk, just very gentle now and then. As I went on my way, I noticed some small birds having a conference on the telephone lines about four houses up the street. I stopped to look at them from a few houses away, counted about eleven. They were all perched in the same direction, quite close together with a few inches between them. Then another bird came and perched two lines away, facing them. "All right, the meeting begins," I thought I heard him chirp. After another ninety seconds, about four birds suddenly flew away. "Uh, oh, a disagreement has arisen," I said to myself. Then as I walked on, they suddenly flew away. So much for THAT conference! 

It was so very pleasant to be walking in such great weather, with almost no one around. When I got back to my driveway, I decided to sit on the cute little concrete bench (it is so well-loved), and had some relaxation. I spied a group of some kind of sparrow in the second driveway away from mine; they were flittering from the ground to the slanted rooftop and back, then running under the car, hurrying to and fro, some would fly across the street to the trees, then fly back to their friends. Now I wonder if someone sprinkled some crumbs or seeds on that driveway. They were such a happy and busy mini-flock of birds! 

Well, it's time to start preparing my breakfast. I'm looking forward to my regular week-end "PolkA to Z radio program" from Claremont, CA, that I can hear on my computer. Just in case you would like to hear it, it is on the college radio station KSPC ~~  "" 88.7fm. I am so happy that the program is three hours long, on Saturday morning from 8 am to 11 am Pacific time. There is usually a repeat on Sunday morning from 6 am to 9 am, Pacific time. You won't be disappointed if you listen to it. The DJ is so good.  

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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