Friday, September 13, 2013

Another Walk Is Taken; We Need More Rain; A New 'Dish'.

September 13, 2013.

Hello, Everyone: 

I did take another walk this morning, that's three in a row, isn't it? or what is the count right now? I don't quite remember. I went out the door at 8 o'clock, and there were older school kids walking to school. I talked with a couple of them. One young male probably in seventh grade, said when I asked him what his favorite subject this year was ~ "math". That made me feel so good for him. I also met a man from up near the other end of my route; he said he walks just before the sun comes up each morning. He was late this morning, and was a bit surprised at all the students walking to school. The school is around the corner, from my street to Rasco Road. This morning I saw a whole row of vehicles that were moving in a very slow pace in front of the school. Police cars are in evidence, trying to keep the whole area safe. 

I enjoyed my walk, but when I went out the door, it was a bit cool and breezy. I had warmer clothes on today than I did yesterday, so it was all right, especially as I was warming up from walking. I stopped at least four times to catch my breath. The walk was a total of eighteen minutes, because of my stopping to chat for a minute or two with the kids, and then the older gentleman. 

We need more rain. It rained yesterday afternoon, for a short while, but the grass lapped it up and needs more. We really do not want a rain storm like Boulder, Colorado, is suffering with.

For my cooking today, I made a rectangular panful of Lazy-Daisy Cabbage and Ground Beef. It smells quite good, as it is baking in the oven. I should have started it earlier in the day, but was doing other things. It doesn't have any tomato in it at all, but lots of cabbage, a cup of cut green beans, and some of that liquid, and  some sauerkraut juice on it and under it. It tastes good, too. I wrote down all the ingredients that I chose, just in case I would wish to make it again. It is a new concoction with a new name that I thought up, and I think anyone can do this type of cooking.  

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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