Thursday, March 27, 2014

March Is Coming to An End; 'Our' Baby Is Two Months Old.

Thursday, March 27, 2014.

Cold winter's March is almost coming to an end. Everyone was enjoying spring after the equinox on March 20. Now they are going to be disappointed, because ol' winter is marching back for a stay; how long he will sit here is anyone's guess.

Soon it will be April First /April Fool's Day, and perhaps another visit from Ol' Winter will take place.

The Bradford pear trees are so beautiful with their white blossoms, here in the Memphis area. There are fields of Bradford pears that grow automatically, here and there. Mother Nature plants them, and looks after them, I guess. It is such a lovely sight to see all of them them blooming. There is one of those trees across the street from where I live. This kind of tree puts forth its blossoms before there are any bits of leaves on the tree.

The blossoms come out almost overnight, and it's amazing to see the 'white-leaved' tree. After a short time, perhaps a week or so, the tree begins to lose the white petals of those blossoms, and immature green leaves take their place. Yesterday I went out to the mailbox to see if the postman left anything for me, and I glanced at the ground around the post. There were white pieces of something all over, and I realized that those white pieces were petals from the Bradford pear tree across the street! The wind was coming in such high gusts, bringing the white petals to me. I was quite delighted to see those white petals sitting on my lawn.

Yesterday was March 26, and 'our' baby was two months old! Sometimes the computer Facebook is annoying and demanding our attention, but recently, I have been enjoying the photos that come up now and then. The new baby is our first great-grandchild! He lives out west and his parents send out a picture quite frequently. He was visiting his grandparents for the day, and was trying so hard to have a conversation with them. In his excitement, his arms and legs were so active! I can imagine how he will run to them when he is brought to visit in another year or so.

I must not forget the birds in the neighborhood. Could the mockingbirds and robins be fighting for territory on my street? Both kinds of birds seem to peck in the lawns for food to eat, and yesterday I saw the mockingbirds a couple of houses from here, chasing the robins away. I think that the robins held sway around here, until these mockingbirds seemed to increase in number.

Once in a while, I have 'two sleeps' of a night. I got out of bed in the wee hours this morning, because I couldn't fall back to sleep after I visited That Room for a short time. When this happens, I begin to think of so many things, and then I get up and do something. One night a couple of years ago, I made a batch of cookies between my 'sleeps'. Another time, I made some chicken soup from scratch (pardon the pun). I also do the dishes sometimes in the wee hours if I am too tired to do them in the early evening.

So there you have it, something you can do when you can't sleep. Good night, again.

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...

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