Friday, September 23, 2011

A little different route; beech (?) trees; carrot pancakes.

Since it was rather cool this morning (WAIT until winter arrives!) I didn't want to walk too early. At two p.m. I decided the time was right. I went up Chesterfield Drive, turned left on Richland which has a 90-degree turn after a bit, to the left, and I walked, still on Richland, to Custer. Turned left on Custer, and back to home just a few houses from where Custer intersects with Chesterfield. I am getting to know a bigger part of my neighborhood. It turned out to be a 23-minute walk, in bright sunlight so I got enough Vitamin D activation, and enjoyed being in a slightly different setting.

There are two trees, possibly beech? at one corner, and I stopped to admire them. They look a little similar to birch trees. I must look it up to determine what these lovely trees are. Their trunks are mottled a bit with two or three shades of gray. Very beautiful. It would be a good project to paint a picture of them.

During mid-afternoon, upon thinking of delicious, traditional potato pancakes, I felt that I would experiment with carrot pancakes. I finely grated (so they would cook quicker than being grated on the larger holes) one carrot. I broke an egg into it, added a bit of salt, a bit of onion, and two tablespoons of gluten-free flour. I put in the oiled skillet a tablespoon of the blended mixture, making a little filled circle of it, and did three more small pancakes. They browned to a turn quite quickly, were turned over, and the other side browned a bit. Those went onto my plate, and I made four more small carrot pancakes. I must be truthful. I ate all eight of them for my dinner. I had never tried to make carrot pancakes before, and am so pleased that they turned out so tasty. Try it, you will like them. But I think you should use more carrots if you have more than one person at your table!

Skyping is such a wonderful thing to be able to do. I haven't skyped with son Gerry and Joyce his wife, since before I moved here. It was a happy little time late this afternoon when the skyping connection notified me. They have a grown kitty cat named Shanti, and she really joined in on the conversation, with loud mews and mrowers. She finally left the scene and went to lie down somewhere, when she thought our conversation was boring, and participated again later for a couple of minutes. I wonder if she would be more interested if there were a cat in MY house!

See you around the Corner Post...

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