Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Imagination; short story.

Does this ever happen to you, that all of a sudden your imagination comes alive and you're off into another world?

This morning, as I looked out the front door to say "Good morning, World", I was thinking of how lovely the sky was, the air looked so clear, but I also knew that later in the day or evening, we would be experiencing a thunderstorm.

And then, a fly came zooming in towards me, smack into the pane of glass. Within multi-seconds, this thought came to my mind, imaginary, but it became real to me. I'll tell you:

The Fly With the Bruised Nose

Freddie Fly had a sweet wife -- the best partner anyone could have. It was a good life that they shared.

She prepared his regular porridge for breakfast. They ate their porridge together and chatted the while.

They rubbed noses, and then he was off on his daily rounds.

Oh, what a beautiful day to begin the weekly chores in his neighborhood. They lived in a wealthy neighborhood with brick homes lining the streets. The Fly Colony was doing quite well there, sometimes they had abundant refuse piles to spend their days in.

As I said before, it was such a glorious sunny day, not too cool, not too hot. It was so lovely, Freddie Fly almost let go of the steering controls of his body because the currents he chose were almost carrying him without his help.

Meanwhile, as I was standing at my front door, drinking in the beauty of the day and looking through the pane of glass, I suddenly saw a large fly heading my way. In an instant, since he didn't know the pane was there, he rammed into the pane of glass.

I could almost feel the pain that he felt in his nose! He was flying so fast that it was like a brick wall to him! I didn't hear his expletives, since I was inside the door, but I could imagine what he said.

But, being as sturdy as his species is, he just flew away.

Later that evening as he arrived home, he asked his wife to fetch the band-aids. She looked at his bruised nose, and then kissed it to make it better.

                                                                                -- Allegra, 8:30 am. November 8, 2011.

I'll see you at the Corner Post...

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoying your blog, Grannamae. You are a wonderful writer. :)
