Friday, June 14, 2013

Groceries; Handicapped; Apology.

June 14, 2013.

It was quite a day today. I had an appointment with the senior bus to take me to the grocery store. Around 10:20 am, the bus driver phoned to let me know he was about ten minutes away and would pick me up. He arrived at 10:30, and I was quite pleased to get this grocery run over with.      NOT.

He dropped me off at one of the Kroger's, and I was as happy as a lark to get busy shopping. I took my time, trying to find this and that, that I needed. I hadn't been to the grocery store in a few weeks. I needed eggs, meat, greens, carrots, popcorn, Scotch tape, and ice cream. Along with other things, too. 

At almost noon, I phoned the driver to see how far away he was ~ Hernando! It would take him at least a half hour or 35 minutes to get to where I was, and besides that, he had to pick up someone and take them home, THEN come and get me. I said that I would browse a little, and then check out my groceries. I thought he'd be there by that time.      NOT. 

I decided that instead of browsing I would buy myself a lunch (it turned out to be a big lunch so I brought half of it home), and went to the little corner in Kroger's where they sell people some lunch and there are three little tables with chairs there. I had a pleasant time eating, and put the container with leftover food in my grocery cart, and checked out. 

Did that, and waited near the front door, inside the entry, and sat in one of those motorized scooter / shopping vehicles. Sat and sat, and kept looking at each person who came in or out. Ho hum. I did have a pleasant time, though, taking in all those sights of different people, different hairdos, different clothing, little kids, big kids, tall men, heavy women, over-weight men and slender women, different nationalities, watched a little girl trying to get that machine with the hook-grabber, to catch a stuffed toy inside the windows. "No soap", poor little girl. 

I was a little worried about one item I had in my shopping bag-on-wheels with a water-proof lining. The beloved item was a carton of vanilla ice cream. I succumbed again, buying dairy, but it had only four ingredients in it, and that's why I bought it. I was hoping it wouldn't melt into a smoothie before I got home. 

Suddenly the driver phoned me again, and said he'd be coming along shortly, in about ten minutes.      NOT.

It was fifteen minutes, and I eagerly got up and went outside, as he was pulling up and parking. He was gracious to put my groceries into the bus, and he even took the cart back in. Very kind, he really is. And we were on our way!        NOT. 

He drove and then went toward the out-patient door of the hospital to pick up a woman who can't walk very well. He had to help in getting her onto the pull-down lift for wheel chairs and walkers. She very slowly made her way into the bus because she cannot bend her extremely swollen and bandaged knee, and I became very empathetic about her medical difficulties. 

She finally got seated, and I kept thinking about her greatly swollen leg, with the very bad knee. I had been having trouble with my knee, and swollen leg, and wasn't happy to have that condition, but suddenly I changed my mind about myself. How painful her knee is, how handicapped she is, how sorry I feel for her and her pain and inability to do what she wishes. In other words, I feel truly blessed to be able to walk around, do my chores, shop for my groceries, and bend my knees. I shall get down on my knees this evening and thank God that I am so much more capable than I had thought! May this woman regain her ability to walk better, very soon. 

I apologize for being frustrated because I had to wait. Pooh! that was nothing.  

I'll see you at the Corner Post ...  

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